Bootstrap selftest

What is Bootstrap?
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Bootstrap is a JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
What is UI Bootstrap?
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Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team
What is Mobile First design?
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"Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD. Browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand JavaScript or media queries, so a recommended practice is to create a basic web site and enhance it for smart phones and PCs, rather than rely on graceful degradation to make a complex, image-heavy site work on mobile phones.


Why must you use <!DOCTYPE html> in your web page when using Bootstrap?
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Bootstrap makes use of certain HTML elements and CSS properties that require the use of the HTML5 doctype.


What is a Grid system?
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Grid systems are used for creating page layouts through a series of rows and columns that house your content.


Grid system
What is a Media Query?
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Media queries are used to define different style rules for different media types/devices.

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